Subscription Intelligence

Data and technology at the service of better decisions

In the insurance market, artificial intelligence has been gaining more and more space in the creation of new products, the improvement of the user experience, the mapping of new risk profiles, and the automation of processes.

In the case of underwriting intelligence, advanced technologies such as machine learning and data analytics are used to help insurers make more assertive and data-driven underwriting decisions. In this way, insurers protect themselves against potential risks and can offer their customers more accurate and competitive pricing.

How we do it at Caren

Caren's machine learning algorithm has an incremental intelligence system that allows the platform to evolve with each new interaction of its users. With this tool, historical data is treated, allowing the system to make decisions aligned with the risk policies of each product or insurer.

The data stored in Caren is capable of automatically suggesting the acceptance or rejection of proposals. This way, we reduce possible losses and speed up the process, saving resources and team time.

Focusing on what really matters

Through machine learning techniques it is possible to collect and process a large amount of data, which supports decision making, speeds up underwriting processes, and makes insurance contracting faster and more accurate.

Contact us and schedule a demonstration of our Underwriting Intelligence System.

Caren - New times call for a new way of caring!