Care Coordination

More care and less costs

Changes in the epidemiological profile, increased diagnosis of chronic diseases, fragmentation of health systems, and the discontinuity of treatments are some of the reasons that have made Care Coordination a relevant issue worldwide, initiating a search for more effective and scalable solutions.

With a system that provides a complete and integrated overview of the patient's health, such as a Primary Health Care Electronic Health Record, it is possible to carry out a structured Care Coordination process, ensuring that patients receive integrated, safe, and quality care at the right times and in the right places.

How we do it at Caren

Our intelligent Primary Care as a Service solution uses the best of machine learning to collect and process large amounts of data, generating information and recommendations based on real events, which can support the decision making of health providers and insurers.

We tirelessly seek to improve the quality of care in order to increase beneficiary satisfaction and reduce costs.

Focusing on what really matters

The results of a primary health care program with the support of a system that uses artificial intelligence, medical protocols, and automation of the care journey is reflected not only in the improved health of the beneficiary portfolio and improved performance of the teams, but also in the avoided cost management of the health operators.

Contact us and schedule a demo of our Care Coordination solution.

Caren - New times call for a new way of caring!