Electronic Health Record of Primary Care

More than a repository of information

The Electronic Health Record of Primary Health Care is a special technological tool, because it is designed to provide a comprehensive and integrated view of the patient's health, and also facilitate the consumption of information by health teams, supporting diagnoses and treatments in real time. The importance of records on lifestyle, immunizations, and chronic diseases must be emphasized; this information is crucial for the global assessment of an individual's health and for the development of personalized and effective treatment plans. Lifestyle habits, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, for example, can be directly related to the onset or worsening of chronic diseases, while past diseases can influence current treatment and the choice of the most appropriate medications. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the recording of this information is complete and regularly updated.

According to the Pan American Health Organization, primary health care (PHC) provides comprehensive care that can meet 80% to 90% of a person's health needs throughout their lifetime. Having a control system and developing prevention and follow-up programs are fundamental measures to improve clinical outcomes and reduce expenses.

How we do it at Caren

Caren provides a complete Primary Care as a Service solution, including data structuring and analysis, epidemiological profile mapping, health score, automated monitoring of symptoms and clinical conditions, and offers follow-up plans for 100% of the lives monitored, which supports the care coordination process. Our solution also has an alert system, dedicated to both patients and health teams, facilitating compliance and management of pre-established programs.

Focusing on what really matters

The results of a primary health care program with the support of a system that uses artificial intelligence, medical protocols, and automation of the care journey is reflected not only in the improved health of the beneficiary portfolio and improved performance of the teams, but also in the avoided cost management of the health operators.

Contact us now and schedule a demonstration of our Primary Health Care Electronic Health Record solution.

Caren - New times call for a new way of caring!