Samsung focuses on intuitive mobile technology and health wearables

June 25, 2024

đź’ˇThese technologies can help cure health professional burnout, patient confusion and inefficient communications between care teams, says a senior executive and nurse.

Samsung's presence at the event serves to debate the implications of patchwork digital health technologies, including healthcare worker burnout, patient confusion and inefficient communications between care teams.

With all the contacts and data they need at their fingertips, doctors can get the help and information they need to treat patients effectively, efficiently and, when necessary, remotely. This integrated approach streamlines healthcare delivery, improving provider performance and patient care.

Wearables have also transformed patient care. Leading US health systems are using wearables to provide home care that improves long-term patient outcomes. These devices are particularly useful in providing care after major health events, as they allow patients to recover and keep their doctors informed about their condition in the comfort of their own homes.

Hospital networks that use wearables for this purpose have seen a significant reduction in readmission rates and improvements in patients' general health, with much higher completion rates than programs that require repeated visits to the doctor's office.

Mobile devices and wearables can harness the power of data in a meaningful way across the healthcare continuum, as long as they improve, rather than hinder, productivity, communications and, most importantly, patient care.

Regardless of the devices implemented, they must be part of a more connected continuum of care, rooted in improving all stages of the patient journey - from the first entry into the hospital parking lot, to engaging the patient at the bedside for education and entertainment, and finally to seamlessly transferring and managing care after the patient has been discharged.

A simplified continuum of care, based on intuitive and secure mobile technology and wearables, will be key to making the hospital of the future a reality. Caren is joining the debate on the integration of technology and health, positioning ourselves as the key to improving care through effective solutions, even at a distance. Visit and find out more about our telehealth platform!  

Photo: Cherry Drulis, RN, director of healthcare mobile B2B at Samsung America
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